
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Institut für
Angewandte Mathematik

Prof. Dr. Claus Gerhardt

Institut für Angewandte Mathematik
Im Neuenheimer Feld 205
D-69120 Heidelberg

Tel. + 49 (0) 62 21 - 54 14100 (Sekretariat)

email: gerhardt@math.uni-heidelberg.de


The second edition of The Quantization of Gravity will be published by Springer International Publishing on October 9, 2024. There will be a hard and soft cover version and an e-book version. The second edition contains additional results which we derived after the publication of the first edition. Some of these results have already been published. The preface to the second edition can be downloaded here: Preface of the second edition of The Quantization of Gravity (pdf)

     The Quantization of Gravity
Claus Gerhardt, University of Heidelberg, Germany
ISBN: 978-3-031-67921-6
Published: 09. Oct. 2024
Pages: 230 pages
Binding: Hardcover
List Price:

The Quantization of Gravity is a monograph published by Springer International Publishing. There are a hard cover version and an e-book version available. A review of the book by Paulo Moniz for the Mathematical Reviews can be downloaded here: Review of The Quantization of Gravity (pdf)

     The Quantization of Gravity
Claus Gerhardt, University of Heidelberg, Germany
ISBN-10: 3319773704
ISBN-13: 978-3-319-77370-4
Year Published: 2018
Pages: 200 pages
Binding: Hardcover
List Price: $119.99
Search for the book at Amazon.com

Curvature problems is a monograph published by International Press. The book's preface as well as table of contents can be downloaded via this link Preface and Table of Contents of Curvature Problems (pdf)

     Curvature Problems
Claus Gerhardt, University of Heidelberg, Germany
ISBN-10: 1-57146-162-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-57146-162-9
Year Published: 2006
Pages: 323 pages
Binding: Hardcover
List Price: $79
Search for the book at Amazon.com

Analysis I, Preface and Table of Contents of Analysis I (pdf), and Analysis II, Preface and Table of Contents of Analysis II (pdf), are undergraduate resp. graduate textbooks published by International Press.

A pdf file of the German edition of Analysis I can be downloaded Analysis I (German edition)

       Analysis I
Claus Gerhardt, University of Heidelberg, Germany
ISBN: 1-57146-153-1
Year Published: 2004
Pages: 281 pp.
Binding: Hardcover
Price: $65.00

Search for the book at Amazon.com

       Analysis II
Claus Gerhardt, University of Heidelberg, Germany
ISBN: 1-57146-160-4
Year Published: 2006
Pages: 395 pp.
Binding: Hardcover
Price: $65.00

Search for the book at Amazon.com

Analysis I, International Press, Somerville 2004, ISBN 1-57146-153-1

Analysis II, International Press, Somerville 2006, ISBN 1-57146-160-4


Analysis II

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