Date: May 22, 2012.
TEXHelpers is a bundle containing the small applications „Flashmode“, „Local Switcher“ and „MathFormulas“, where, however, „Flashmode“ represents the old version of „Flashmode“. In addition it also contains a universal version of Flashmode that will run on PPC machines.
If you use a Mac running OS 10.6 or better, we recommend the newer version of Flashmode.
Flashmode offers simultaneous typesetting and various useful Applescripts. Read Flashmode’s instructions in the Help menu.
Local Switcher offers a one click installation of the full TeXLive distribution from TeXLive’s iso image or DVD, and the ability to switch between different tex sources by setting a local symlink in the user’s home directory. Moreover, it allows to search the man pages and the documentation of the active tex source such that files found by kpsewhich can be opened in an editor of your choice, and texdoc is fully functional. Read Local Switcher’s instructions in the Help menu.
MathFormulas provides a sample of formulas from Geometry and the theory of Curvature Flows the Latex codes of which can be pasted into the front document of any text editor, default is TeXShop. There are also a few symbols related to PDE.
In addition there are some useful documents in the Geometry menu, aimed at people working in Geometric Analysis.
Install the applications in the Applications folder and first start „Flashmode“ , then a symbolic link named „Flashmode“ will be placed in
a folder „Flashmode“ in Flashmode’s bundle. Double clicking the symbolic link will open that folder.
All applications run on intelMacs or PowerPCs, they require OS 10.4 or better.
Here is the download link TexHelpers.
Home page, TEXHelpers, TEX Switcher, MathFormulas, TEX Scripts, Books, Preprints, Former Students, Veranstaltungen, Lecture Notes
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik, Im Neuenheimer Feld 294, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
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